Sunday 2 March 2014

Sunday // Baggy pants & a blanket

Well it's been i while since my last update and i'm very sorry for that! 
I'll be posting more often again from now on! 
Well, i'm sitting here thinking about a lot of things actually..
One of them is how wonderful my weekend has been. I've spent most of the weekend with my sweet friend Laila. Friday we went out for drinks and dancing which was loads of fun and yesterday we lay in bed most of the day and watched television. 
Today i'm at home with my family and I cooked a great lunch for my dad and I. 

So, now i'm sitting in the sofa with some tea and a blanket, browsing on the internet. 
One of the other things i'm thinking about atm. is tattoos! 
I got my first tattoo a while ago now and i constantly have new ideas popping in my head. 
I think it looks pretty cool to have a couple of tattoos because it tells a bit about who you are and what you believe in. 
My tattoo is dedicated to my parents which was a safe one to get as a first , but i think some of the text ones are gonna be a bit more rebellious. 

Fashion is always on my mind. 
I love to know whats going on in the fashion industry and i love having items that make me stand out of the crowd. I recently got an amazing 3.1 Phillip Lil metallic leather jacket. It has about 6 different metallic colours on it. It's very cool and makes a lot of noise when you walk in to a room wearing it. 
I'll post some pictures of it soon! 
I've always wanted to work with fashion but i don't actually like when pictures are taken of me, therefore i've always wanted to be a fashion photographer. 

Well, thats all for now. Here are a couple of pics I found inspiring today..